Thursday, February 16, 2023

Estimating the returns to education in Ghana

What determines earnings in Ghana? The Human Capital model postulates that the log of earnings of an individual is a function of that individual's productive characteristics. These individual characteristics help explain the marginal productivity and the returns to them.[1] In Mincer (1974) this model was formalized as in equation (1):

In equation (1), lnYt is the log of earnings in year t, Educ is years of schooling, Exp is years of cumulative work experience, and X is a vector of other variables. We ran this model for Ghana using GLSS data with X including the variables shown in table 1. We build on Gundersen (2016) in specifying the model used in this analysis.[2]

We find that, conditional on age and age squared (as a proxy for experience), sex, parents’ education, occupation, public versus private sector employment, and marital status, an additional year of education boosts annual earnings by 5.7 percent. Experience has a statistically positive marginal effect on annual earnings, but this effect dissipates as experience grows. Being female is associated with poorer labor earnings - the estimated marginal effect of being female on one’s annual earnings is negative and can be interpreted as saying that, conditional on the other correlates, females are expected to earn 74 percent of male earnings per year. If we apply model (1) to explain variation in urban, rural, youth and nonyouth annual earnings, we observe a range of returns of 9 to 14 percent (figure 1). Females show higher conditional marginal returns to education than men; non-youth (ages 35 plus) have greater returns to education than youth (ages 15-35); and the rural/urban difference in returns to education is minimal.

Source: Own estimates using GLSS 7.

Note: The conditional marginal estimates of returns to education are derived from the log-linear model 1, in which we regress the natural logarithm of annual earnings on years of education, age and age squared (as a proxies for experience and experience squared), parents’ education, and marital status. All estimates are statistically significant at the 1 percent level of significance.

Other researchers find that globally (across 131 countries), average rates of return to education are 10.4 percent per year and that the returns are highest in Africa, where estimates average 12.8 percent per year.[3] They also find that in Africa, the highest returns exist at the tertiary level at 21.9 percent. Our estimates confirm this tertiary premium in Ghana - returns for those with 12-plus years of education are close to 20 percent per year (see figure 2). High returns at tertiary levels have remained in the 10-year period assessed, reflecting the relative scarcity of human capital with this level of education.

* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001

Source: Own estimates based on data from GLSS 7.

Note: The conditional marginal estimates of returns to education at each level are derived from a log linear regression of the natural logarithm of annual earnings on age and age squared (as a proxies for experience and experience squared); sex; parents’ education; and marital status. Education splines are generated with STATA’s ‘mkspline’ command, which creates knots specified at 0-6, 9-12, and 12-plus years of schooling, following Gundersen (2016). The average estimates as well as estimates for those with 12 plus years of education are statistically significant in both periods.

[1] Gundersen, S., 2016. "Disappointing returns to education in Ghana: A test of the robustness of OLS estimates using propensity score matching." International Journal of Educational Development Volume 50, September 2016, Pages 74-89

[2] Mincer, J., 1974. “Schooling, Experience and Earnings.” Columbia University Press

[3] Psacharopoulos & Patrinos, 2018. “Returns to investment in education: a decennial review of the global literature.” Education Economics ISSN: 0964-5292 (Print) 1469-5782 (Online) Journal homepage: 

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